Category Entry points

“Physical and mental availability.” – Byron Sharp

Category Entry Points

Category management refers to the strategic control and optimization of product categories in retail. Usage and usage occasions serve as the entry point for shoppers into the category. Knowledge of these Category Entry Points expands the perspective of standardized category management.

Reach is the most crucial factor for brand growth. The ‘Double Jeopardy Law’ applies: purchase frequency increases with reach, not the other way around.

Brands associated with relevant usage occasions and moments have a high “mental market share,” leading to a higher likelihood of purchase.

Understanding and effectively designing Category Entry Points are critical for the success of the category (brands).


  • We are experts in the field of Category Entry Points and understand their significance for category and brand growth.
  • We directly measure Category Entry Points in real purchase situations.


  • Shopper Insights: Analyzing shopper behavior and needs to identify relevant Category Entry Points.
  • Optimizing Category Entry Points to enhance the attractiveness and visibility of categories.
  • Increasing reach by addressing relevant CEPs… or by targeting white spots and addressing new usage situations.

The analysis of CATEGORY ENTRY POINTS enables us to address customers, increasing visibility.

fragezeichen mit einkaufswagen

Questions from our customers.

  • What are the relevant Category Entry Points for a specific product category?
  • How can the Category Entry Points be optimally designed to capture shoppers’ attention?

Methods for the solution​

  • Shopper Mind

    Experience | Accompanied Shopping

  • Shopper Impact

    Experience | Implicit Measurement

Result examples

Category Entry Points
Definition of CEP
Category Entry Points
Description by figures

Discover more solutions


Understanding shopper behavior in the category.

Total Store Test

Revealing potential for success and growth drivers.


8 Steps to Improve Performance.

Overview of all solutions and methods 

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