total store check

How well is your business doing? | Think in terms of impact!

Total Store Check

In retail, shoppers are confronted with a wealth of information and complex stimuli. However, many of these stimuli are unconsciously filtered out if they do not serve the goals and motivations of the shoppers. With our EVE model, we “check” the store to analyze the experiences, behaviors, and decisions of shoppers on the sales floor.

Through comprehensive checklists, evaluation criteria, and relevant shopper metrics, we measure the effectiveness of areas, categories, shelves, brands, and promotional displays down to the most remote corners of the store. Our unique Shoppermetrics method simply identifies potentials in the purchasing process and quantifies opportunities.

Total Store Checks have established themselves as an effective tool for increasing sales and improving the shopping experience. Based on our extensive database, we also offer international benchmarking.

Our Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Comprehensive capture of real shopper behavior with our EVE model.
  • Experience: Perception, moods, atmosphere.
  • Behavior: Attention and interactions.
  • Decision-making: Purchase and non-purchase behavior.
  • Quantitative potential analysis for easy diagnosis of store layouts, categories, shelves, and brands.
  • Buyer reach = Frequency x Attention x Interaction x Purchase.
  • Based on our database, we offer international benchmarking.


  • Our unique approach allows brands and retailers to quickly and easily gain deep insights into the actual experiences and behaviors of shoppers.
  • The Total Store Check reduces shopping stress and increases attention to products through better usability.
  • We use proven methods, checklists, benchmarks, and provide practical metrics as well as SWOT analyses for concrete recommendations “fresh from the store”.

With Total Store Check we provide deep insights into the actual behavior of shoppers.

fragezeichen mit einkaufswagen

Questions from our customers

  • How do shoppers experience shopping in the store?
  • What is their behavior during shopping?
  • Where do they make their purchase and non-purchase decisions in the store?
  • In what order and with what duration do they engage with specific categories and areas of the store?
  • Which areas are not visited at all?
  • Where are the pain points and gain points in the store located?
  • Which point-of-sale impulses such as secondary placements, shelf tools, and promotional actions are noticed?
  • Which missions, motives, and moods influence immediate purchase behavior (over time)?
  • Which touchpoints have what impact on the in-store journey? What really matters to shoppers in the purchase situation? How relevant are different categories, brands, and items for different goals? What contribution do individual store areas, categories, and brands make to the retail brand or story?

Methods for the solution

  • Shopper Observer

    Behavior | Observation

  • Shopper Impact

    Experience | Implicit Measurement

  • Shopper Mind

    Experience |Accompanied Shopping

  • Shopper Emotion

    Experience | Emotion Measurement

Result examples

Total Store Check Analyse Interaktion in den Kaufphasen
Description by figures
Visualisierung Verhalten Shopper
Visualization with heatmaps

Discover more solutions

Total Store Dokumentation 360

Experience the retail space from the shopper’s perspective.

Total Store Test

Reveal potential for success and growth drivers.


10 Maxims for enhancing the well-being of buyers.

Overview of all solutions and methods 

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