Advertising effectiveness: Either immediate or not at all.
Brand STAS
The STAS formula by John Philip Jones is the result of a field-experimental approach to behavior-based measurement of advertising effectiveness. STAS stands for “Short Term Advertising Strength,” and it assesses the short-term impact of advertising stimuli on product sales to evaluate the immediate effectiveness of advertising.
- We are experts in evaluating the Short-Term Advertising Strength of in-store communication and promotion.
- We understand the significance of effective short-term advertising impact for business success.
- We assist you in measuring and optimizing your advertising efforts to achieve maximum STAS.
- Measurement of the immediate effects of in-store campaigns on shopper behavior and brand perception.
- Identification of advertising measures with high Short-Term Advertising Strength to maximize ROI.
- By measuring and optimizing Short-Term Advertising Strength, you can maximize the success of your advertising efforts.
- Our expertise in STAS analysis allows you to enhance your campaigns strategically.
With BRAND STAS you can maximize the success of your advertising efforts.

Questions from our customers
- Which advertising measures have the strongest short-term impact on sales?
- How does advertising influence brand awareness and customer purchasing behavior in the short term?
- What factors contribute to increasing Short-Term Advertising Strength?
- How can we optimize advertising campaigns to achieve a higher STAS?
Methods for the solution
Shopper Observer
Behavior | Observation
Shopper Impact
Experience | Implicit Measurement
Shopper Emotion
Experience | Emotion Measurement

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